Assessment 2: Delivering a persuasive speech using AFOREST techniques.
In this assessment you will be assessed primarily on your communication and thinking skills. All the resources you need are below - your teacher will guide you through them. Remember, it is important that you use all of your previous learning, particularly from the Battle of the Little Bighorn onwards, in this assessment.
a) Task Outline b) Using AFOREST techniques c) Planning Support d) Assessment rubric e) Make sure your speech gets uploaded to youtube and inserted into you 'assessement' page on your Google Site. f) Peer Marking: i) Insert the youtube URL of your video here. ii) Create a zaption of the person's video who is sat next to you. Insert the link to your zaption on spreadsheet (with your name). Remember, you are identifying how and where they use AFOREST. You should then also place them in a level on the assessment rubric for communication. iii) Complete one other person if you have time and insert it in the 'additional zaption' column. |