Remember, you will have to answer three questions in 2.5 hrs (there are two set on each of the above topics and you must answer any three. The examples below are individual essays taken from this paper. The essays below are real examples marked by the IB. We have annotated and used them all in class, but they are stored here as reminders |
What do different level essays look like in Paper 3?
If you follow the link on the right, you can find all the past papers and markschemes. As a simple guide to the different themes, paper 3 past paper questions have been collated on the doc to the right:
1. A very high level 7 essay
This is a very good essay written in only 50 minutes. It scored a high level 7. |
2. A level 7 essay
This is a lower level 7 essay |
3.Level 4/5 essay
This is a 'classic' mid level essay |