Syllabus Points:
- European diplomacy and the changing balance of power after 1871; imperial expansion in Africa and Asia, and its impact on European diplomacy; the Congress of Berlin and European Alliance system
- Foreign policy of Kaiser Wilhelm II: domestic conditions that impacted on German foreign policy; its impact/influence on other countries, including Britain, France, Russia and Austria-Hungary
- Causes of the First World War: short- and long-term causes; relative importance of causes; the Alliance system; the decline of the Ottoman Empire; German foreign policy; Austria-Hungary, Russia and Balkan nationalism; the arms race and diplomatic crises; the July Crisis of 1914
How did German Foreign Policy Change between 1870 and 1914? To what extent did this reflect and change in the balance of power?
11. Analyse the impact of the new German Empire on European affairs in the years 1871–1910.
Impact could include: the disturbance of the balance of power; tensions between France and Germany because of French desire for revenge for 1870/71; anxiety over a powerful Germany leading to the eventual establishment of the alliance system. In terms of detail, answers may focus on how Bismarck sought to address these fears by his complex policy of “checks and balances”, which maintained relative stability until 1890. This system was destabilized by Wilhelm II’s less consistent policy, his pursuit of “a place in the sun”, Weltpolitik, the Naval Race – all of which led to the division of Europe into the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.
Impact could include: the disturbance of the balance of power; tensions between France and Germany because of French desire for revenge for 1870/71; anxiety over a powerful Germany leading to the eventual establishment of the alliance system. In terms of detail, answers may focus on how Bismarck sought to address these fears by his complex policy of “checks and balances”, which maintained relative stability until 1890. This system was destabilized by Wilhelm II’s less consistent policy, his pursuit of “a place in the sun”, Weltpolitik, the Naval Race – all of which led to the division of Europe into the Triple Alliance and Triple Entente.
What were the MAIN Causes of World War 1?
Below are resources that equate to a thematic approach to the different causes of World War 1. 'The First World War Reading' in the file above can be referred to as a core text.
Watch the documentary to 27:00 ONLY.
Powerpoint Overviews of the Key Themes:
Use these for content help only - the assessment advice is not relevant to you.
A marked IB Essay...
Review this essay using the marking rubric - where would you place it?
The Chief Examiner's comments are below too.